README.TXT > A synopsis of the program: Hangman for Students is the classic hangman game with word lists available according to grade levels. > A list of files included in the DosEA program: HANGMAN.EXE HANGHELP.OVL MANUAL.TXT PRINTMAN.BAT ORDERFRM.TXT REGISTER.BAT VENDOR.DOC README.BAT README.TXT GRADE1.WDS GRADE2.WDS GRADE3.WDS GRADE4.WDS GRADE5.WDS JRHIGH.WDS SRHIGH.WDS > The One Installation Requirement: All of the files must be in the default directory. If you do not know what this means, check a DOS manual. > Instructions for printing the manual: It is 6 pages long. To print the manual, enter PRINTMAN. > To start the program, enter HANGMAN.